International Water Association

India’s progress with industrial water reuse projects

A new water reuse project in the Indian city of Chennai, to supply the automotive sector with water derived from municipal sewage, highlights the...

How do international events help the next generation of advocates for water change?

Views from a panel involved with IWA’s Young Water Professionals/Emerging Water Leaders events and activities. How can international events help shape thinking at the national...

Filling the microplastics knowledge gap

Microplastics are spread throughout the environment, yet we still know little about them. Keith Hayward reviews some of the current thinking and concerns, and...

Challenges for implementing and maintaining wastewater treatment in LMIC

Wastewater expert and IWA Global Water Award 2021 winner Marcos von Sperling offers advice on providing new treatment in low- and middle-income countries, and...

Simple SDG6 solutions? Think again

Kala Vairavamoorthy explains how systems thinking can help us tackle complex water problems and avoid unintended consequences.   I recently attended IWA’s Hydroinformatics conference in Bucharest...

Voices that will shape the future

IWA’s Young Water Professionals are an impressive congregation with the drive and determination to meet the challenges of the global water crises. Inês Breda...

Is your water pricing strategy right?

In April, the IWA Specialist Group on Statistics & Economics held a workshop in Cyprus to discuss waterís elusive value. Ed Smeets and Lledó...

WHO’s climate-resilient WSP progress

Rory Moses McKeown gives an insight into the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) work on climate-resilient water safety plans, including their application in Ethiopia. Plus see main article...

Climate change: the utility groundwater role in supply security

A changing climate means groundwater is vital to water supply security. Stephen Foster, Julia Gathu, Michael Eicholz and Ricardo Hirata report on progress with...

Adapting the urban model for rural supply

At the end of 2019, the government of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara, a region of southwest Georgia in the Southern Caucasus, and a...


Toronto Water – serving the host city of the World Water...

Toronto Water has transformed the city’s water management. Ahead of IWA’s World Water Congress & Exhibition in the capital of the Canadian province of...


UNU report warns on tipping points if environmental risks not addressed

A new report released by the United Nations University (UNU) has found that drastic changes to fundamental socioecological systems are likely if environmental risks...