Efficiency follows equity
Australia’s experience shows how water markets can provide a useful response to escalating drought, if governments clearly define allocations in advance and ensure all...
To add water, subtract weeds
Mandela’s least known legacy may be his Working for Water programme, which employs thousands of marginalised people to clear invasive plant species, securing precious water...
Saline solutions: closing the gap between hunger and limited freshwater supplies
Much as aquaculture has eclipsed wild fisheries, salt-tolerant plants could close the gap between escalating hunger and limited freshwater supplies
By James Workman
The ancients annihilated...
Heaven sent: The need to harvest rainwater
Rainwater harvesting, once seen as a quaint tradition of the rural poor, is growing in stature and scale, driven by urban demand, new mandates,...
H2O minus CO2: How mitigation and money savings are driving emissions-free desalination
By Bill Hinchberger*
Consider the catch-22 for Pacific islanders. They lack sufficient freshwater to meet growing demand. While desalination could boost supply, each plant’s energy-intensive...
Refill the hidden tank: The benefits of managing the recharge of aquifers
By Michael Campana
When I was eight, wandering my suburban Long Island, New York neighbourhood, I noticed large areas surrounded by chain-link fences with culverts...
Decoding the DNA of wastewater
Per Nielsen’s research is unlocking the identity of microbial life in activated sludge and shows that understanding the functions of different bacteria can greatly optimise the...
High and dry: How legalisation of cannabis is impacting local water security
Beyond the arguments over medical benefits, cash crops, and cross-border ‘drug wars’, Montgomery Simus explains how the global footprint of cannabis trafficking is rapidly diversifying, complicating the...
An untapped resource: why the industry must target female professionals
According to new research by the International Water Association, the shortage of skilled labour in water can be addressed by a more diverse policy of...
The rise of female networks
From African wells to Silicon Valley workshops, female networks are mobilising to solve urgent water problems by sharing knowledge, opening doors, mentoring youth, raising money, and...