International Water Association

IWA’s Congress connections

IWA’s 2023 Water and Development Congress & Exhibition is approaching fast – the event in December will be with us soon. Picking up from...

Utilities as engines for climate action

Utilities, including city departments charged with water-related responsibilities, are at the heart of urban life. Toronto Water (page 30) and the Ruhrverband (page 38)...

Why water insecurity is changing our profession

A new viral online application lets you calculate the odds that your career will be automated. It’s an unnervingly existential tool: type in ‘occupation’...

How cities translate water’s language

By James Workman ''Well-designed ancient Incan water systems may help modern Lima cope with climate change'' Buenos Aires, Lima, São Paulo, Bogotá, Caracas. Latin America is...

Water science and sustainability

We talk of water having a role to play in all of the SDGs. That role may not be so strong in all cases,...

Re-plumbing the water system

With the COP25 meeting in Madrid done, the world needs as much as ever action on how to deliver real progress on climate change....

Philosophical boost for water

Our understanding of the prospects for climate change and its impacts on water has been mounting over the course of many years. The outputs...

Water’s resource resurrection

By James Workman Large herds of East African wildlife have little in common with urban sewage, until their immersion in water. In both cases, that medium...

The problem with experts

The International Water Association (IWA) hosts forty-nine ‘specialist groups’ through which exceptional researchers and practitioners generate cutting edge solutions. The organisation -as demonstrated throughout this magazine – seeks out...

What leaks reveal

By James Workman Government and business are increasingly obsessed with information leaks. The tech company Apple fears leaks about products and labour practices have damaged its...


Toronto Water – serving the host city of the World Water...

Toronto Water has transformed the city’s water management. Ahead of IWA’s World Water Congress & Exhibition in the capital of the Canadian province of...


UNU report warns on tipping points if environmental risks not addressed

A new report released by the United Nations University (UNU) has found that drastic changes to fundamental socioecological systems are likely if environmental risks...