International Water Association

SIWI urges leaders to put water at the centre of any climate agreement

World Water Week 2015 closed with the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) urging climate negotiators to ensure that water is thoroughly integrated into any...

Conflict tool launched to warn over water risk

The Water, Peace and Security (WPS) partnership launched a tool in December that is said to predict the risk of violent conflicts up to...

India: Prime Minister urges farmers to conserve water

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called on farmers to conserve water to increase agricultural productivity in the country by cleaning ponds in their vicinity to improve the...
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Banks provide update on SDG contributions

The first joint report on the contributions of the 11 multilateral development banks (MDBs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been released, emphasising...

Vietnam: Hau Giang plans clean water funds

The Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Hau Giang plans to allocate more than US$1.56 million to bring clean water to local rural residents...

New York’s sewer systems contaminate natural waters

The State of New York was estimated to get rid of around 6.5 billion gallons of untreated sewer and stormwater in 2017, a new...

UNU report warns on tipping points if environmental risks not addressed

A new report released by the United Nations University (UNU) has found that drastic changes to fundamental socioecological systems are likely if environmental risks...

UK government announces new water plan

The UK government has launched is new ‘Plan for Water’ which aims to improve water security and reduce pollution. The plan promises increased investment,...

UN initiative targets nitrogen waste

UN member states meeting in Sri Lanka have endorsed a proposed roadmap for action on nitrogen challenges, set out in the ‘Colombo Declaration on...

International: Landscapes for People, Food and Nature to write paper on integrated landscape approaches

Landscapes for People, Food and Nature, a global coalition of agriculture, environment and development organisations, is leading an initiative to write a white paper...


Engineering solutions that put society front and centre

Winner of IWA’s Water and Development Award for Research, Dr Veena Srinivasan explains why it is critical to consider social needs and impacts when...


UNU report warns on tipping points if environmental risks not addressed

A new report released by the United Nations University (UNU) has found that drastic changes to fundamental socioecological systems are likely if environmental risks...