UNICEF calls for WASH programmes to improve gender inclusiveness

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has launched a new report on the integration of gender transformative strategies within WASH programmes.

Titled, Stocktaking and gap analysis on the use of UNICEF Gender Responsive WASH Guidance: Key elements for effective WASH programming and recommendations to move to a transformative approach, the review conducted by UNICEF NYHQ PG-WASH, is based on desk reviews, interviews, discussions, and case studies.

Its findings identify the strengths and areas for improvement in UNICEF’s current WASH guidance document and calls for an update outlining new strategies that may be more applicable to different country contexts.

Although gender awareness is growing in development settings, WASH initiatives have been slow to address gender disparities. The report finds that this can be attributed to the sector’s historical focus on infrastructure and the traditional male dominance of this field.