International Water Association

Aqaba recovering energy from wastewater

The only coastal city of what may be the world’s most water scarce country has prioritised “Zero Discharge”, cleaning up the air by cleaning...

United States: Californian city buys floating solar power system

Infratech Industries, an Australian-owned and operated sustainable infrastructure company, is exporting its flagship floating solar system to the City of Holtville in California. The deployment...

International: International Hydropower Association reappoints president

Ken Adams has been re-selected as President of the International Hydropower Association (IHA) during the first meeting of the association’s new board in London....

India: Startup looks to harvest rainwater and solar energy

Thinkphi, an Indian startup company that aims to manufacture sustainably engineered products that intelligently conserve water, energy and waste, has raised angel funding to expand operations, and begin...

World Bank and UN report warns of growing global water crisis

The World Bank and the United Nations have published a report warning that 40 percent of the world is currently affected by water scarcity....

India: Farmers to receive energy efficient water pumps

In an initiative similar to the Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme, the Indian Ministry of Power aims to provide farmers with energy efficient water pumps...

United States: Researchers to produce clean energy from water and sunlight

Researchers from the University of Iowa are collaborating with HyperSolar, a startup company focused on commercialising low-cost renewable hydrogen, to produce clean energy from water and sunlight. HyperSolar...

Pakistan: World Bank provides loan for management of Indus basin

The World Bank has approved financing of US$35 million to support improved management, planning and development of water resources in the Indus River Basin...

Dams in India cause more harm than good, says UN report

Indian dams have failed to ensure long-term food security and have even increased instances of human displacement in the country, according to a United...

English universities complete wave energy converter studies

Plymouth and Exeter universities have completed the first set of ecological studies as part of the EU Horizon 2020 funded CEFOW (Clean Energy from...


Engineering solutions that put society front and centre

Winner of IWA’s Water and Development Award for Research, Dr Veena Srinivasan explains why it is critical to consider social needs and impacts when...


UNU report warns on tipping points if environmental risks not addressed

A new report released by the United Nations University (UNU) has found that drastic changes to fundamental socioecological systems are likely if environmental risks...