Belize community to use solar energy to gain safe drinking water
The Caribbean Development Bank has provided a grant of US$333,488 to fund a new water supply system in Conejo, Belize. Officials from the Government of...
Whisky distillery turning co-products into renewable energy
After just one year of operation, beverage company, Diageo’s on-site biogas plant at Glendullan, Scotland is turning 1,000 m3 of malt whisky distillery co-products...
Energy–water–food nexus a top uncertainty issue, says new report
A new report released by the World Energy Council, The Road to Resilience: Financing Resilient Energy Infrastructure, has highlighted how the interdependencies, and sometimes...
How sunlight can provide low-cost access to clean water
Water can be disinfected if left for as little as six hours in intense sunlight, yet many living in the world’s poorest countries do...
Wastewater treatment process uses gravity to cut energy use
A newly patented submerged aerated filtration (SAF) configuration for wastewater treatment, developed by UK-company WPL, can cut energy use by 40 percent and be...
Switzerland: Hydroelectric plant opts for variable-speed turbines
General Electric has swapped out its conventional turbines for variable-speed models that will store and generate far more power at the Linthal hydroelectric plant in Switzerland. The...
Ghana: Village completes trial of new solar-powered technology
Following a successful trial of a smaller machine in a small village in Ghana, Watley, a clean technology company, has unveiled a new solarpowered technology that aims...
India: Startup looks to harvest rainwater and solar energy
Thinkphi, an Indian startup company that aims to manufacture sustainably engineered products that intelligently conserve water, energy and waste, has raised angel funding to expand operations, and begin...
Reverse osmosis system wins ‘Breakthrough Water Technology Of The Year’ Award
Desalitech, a water treatment company, has been named the winner of the 2016 Global Water Award for Breakthrough Water Technology Company of the Year, by Global...
University of Houston researcher recognised for work in clean energy
Debora Rodrigues, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Houston, Texas, has received the 2016 C3E Research Award, for her work focusing...