International Water Association
Tom Mollenkopf IWA President

The power of many

At the time of writing, we are only a few weeks away from IWA’s seminal biennial World Water Congress & Exhibition in Toronto. For...
Tom Mollenkopf IWA President

The politics of water

I’m often asked ‘What are the biggest challenges in water – and how do we deal with them?’ As water professionals, we tend to respond...
Tom Mollenkopf IWA President

Vive la différence

In December, well over 1000 delegates from around the globe came together for IWA’s seventh Water and Development Congress & Exhibition in Kigali, Rwanda....
Tom Mollenkopf IWA President

Foundations for success

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a famous quote by management consultant and writer Peter Drucker. He didn’t mean that strategy was unimportant –...
Tom Mollenkopf IWA President

A celebration of ‘bottom-up’

‘Bottoms up!’ is one of the many phrases used around the world to announce a toast. Similar versions include ‘Gan Bei!’, which, translated, literally...
Tom Mollenkopf IWA President

Giving water a voice

The UN 2023 Water Conference held on 22-24 March 2023 gave cause for both optimism and trepidation. Optimism because it represented an opportunity for...

But wait…there’s more

It was a long time coming, but it was certainly worth the wait. Our Copenhagen World Water Congress & Exhibition was everything I had...

Swim, sing, smile

Our Copenhagen World Water Congress & Exhibition is almost with us. This long-anticipated event promises to be exactly the vibrant and prestigious occasion we...

Water and Goldilocks

Often, when the global community thinks about the challenges we face in water, the first thought is about the availability of water - adequacy...

No time to COP out

For those in a corporate environment, the difficulties of implementing change are well known. In some cases, resistance to change is because we are...


Digital transformation takes the global water sector by storm

Digital transformation and digital water are concepts that have been present in the water industry for many years – yet it is fair to...


UNU report warns on tipping points if environmental risks not addressed

A new report released by the United Nations University (UNU) has found that drastic changes to fundamental socioecological systems are likely if environmental risks...